Journal Publication
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Journal Publication

Journal Publication Services
for Your Research.

The most difficult task of the research is to implement each of the policies specified in the goal journal. The most challenging aspects of journal publication are on-time submission, revision, grammar mistakes, plagiarism, etc. Therefore, the PhD guides Journal Publication Support team prefers to contribute to the targeted journal articles and manuscripts with an experienced team of editors who are competent in various topics.

Our experts in Phd Guidence

PhD guides is a team of professionals who can assist you in publishing your paper and getting it accepted in a short amount of time. Our experts, who include Doctoral degree holders, and reviewers, professionally prepare and publish research papers, research articles, and journals due to their extensive experience. They also provide excellent PhD research assistance and writing assignments to meet all of your research needs. Each and every aspect of your research paper pertains to its accuracy. Our phd assistance prepare your paper in accordance with the requirements of the university, and we promise that it will be delivered on time.

What we'll do to help you with Journal Publication

You receive support from PhD guides journal paper writing experts in creating a manuscript that may be sent to reputable publications. Conference papers, research papers, and technical journal papers are all things PhD guides assists with. Scholars typically like open-access journals for publishing journal papers since they offer a distinct DOI and the author's copyright is still intact. Our team of experts can help you choose the best journals, submit your manuscript to them, and monitor the status of your publication. Contact our journal assistance team to publish in IEEE journals, SCI Indexed, Scopus Indexed, ABDC Indexed Journals, and other high-impact factor journal publications.

PhD Assistance
The index for journal publications that we deal with

National and international journals make up SCI. SCI also includes publications from reputable and less reputable journals. SCI journals include both journals with high-impact factors and journals with low-impact factors. SCI contains more than a lakh publishers. SCI includes publications from Springer, Elsevier, and the UGC care list.


Scopus provides information on the number of publications, references, author biographies, and citation counts. features that notify registered users when a profile has changed. For more than 25,000 active titles, including journals, conference proceedings, and books, SCOPUS Cite Score offers citation information.


38,652 journals that are primarily cited in Scopus, Web of Science, and ABDC list are included in the UGC-approved journal list. Nearly all of the disciplines, including mathematics, computer science, management, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering, are covered by UGC-approved publications.


A journal with a high indexing score is Anna University Annexure 1 & 2. Large journals on a variety of subjects are available from Anna University Annexure Journals. Both free and paid annexures are available in the Anna University A1 & A2 journal articles. More than 1000 open-access, premium journals from various publishers are available in the updated Anna University A1 & A2 journal features.


A well-known platform called the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) lists journals that have a solid reputation in their respective subject areas. The ABDC lists journals from every discipline and rates them from "A" to "C." Whether you're looking for the best publications in business or pure science, ABDC has you covered. It publishes the highest-quality submissions in addition to listed journals.


The goal of PubMed is to promote the free search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the goal of enhancing both individual and planetary health. More than 34 million citations and abstracts from biomedical literature are available in the PubMed database. It excludes journal papers in their entirety;


Papers that use methods useful to the fields of law, politics, science, philosophy, psychology, and linguistics are published in the Web of Science Journal. Original research, methodological analyses, and papers exploring novel approaches to a wide range of issues are all included in Web of Science. Web of Science consistently seeks to identify new goals with high-quality papers and do more extensive innovative research.